Spring/Summer 16 trend report

Spring/Summer 16 Trend Report

trend report

Crickey, it might well be a bit cold and blustery outside but the sales are over and the shops are filling up with Spring/Summer 16 items that we definitely need in our closets. But which classic to plump for and which to disregard as a flash-in-the-pan-one-hit-wonder? Luckily enough, we’ve ploughed through our faves and come up with a Spring/Summer 16 trend report for you so you know what to look out for when you head to the stores.

spring summer 16 trend report

So how do you get your hands on our edit? Simply join our community by filling in the form below, and we will hot foot one of these SS16 trend reports right to your inbox. If you’re already signed up to our emails… stand by as your trend report is winging its way to you through the ether and will be with you before the end of the day.

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And of course, if you need to figure out what your own personal style is all about, then why not take a spin on our super easy Style Tribes quiz which can nail your Style ID in less than 5-minutes and streamline your shopping skills to boot…


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