Back to School

Back to school…

back to school


Having finished photography college, I’ve now set up a Surrey personal branding photographer business with my college cohort Andi. At Surrey Social Stock Photography we’re here to provide small businesses with gorgeous bespoke imagery for their growing brand. Whether it’s personal brand photography, brand lifestyle photography or simply a new set of refreshed headshots – we are here to help. Pop over to Surrey Social Stock Photography to find out more…

Hey there! It’s back to school season and I haven’t been on here for so long that when I cranked open my laptop, I was slightly afeared that it might have been taken over by a family of house spiders looking for a new contemporary des-res to set up home in; or in fact that I would not be able to remember how to start… luckily muscle memory seems to have kicked in so here we are.

So, where indeed to start?

First up, I guess I wanted to ask how the devil you are? The world has hit a curveball since I last tickled this keyboard, and I’m hoping that you are safe and well and adapting to our new normal as best you can.

back to school notes from a stylist

I know in the Notes from a Stylist household it’s been a bizarre 5 months. We’ve had 2 out of 3 kids home from school/uni for the duration, whilst the eldest has been battling through the Covid onslaught in New York. Like many, we opted for the staycation vibe this summer. The furthest afield we got was a trip clockwise around the M25 for a catchup with old friends (once we were given the go-ahead to safely meet-up outside our own households – obvs).

As for me, if you remember, I had started back at my local college on a photography course, which obviously turned into an online learning course and a lesson on keeping oneself motivated. Tasked with pulling off a final major project (FMP) to submit for the end of the first year under Covid lockdown – it was a challenging few months. On that note, in that little altercation, the results were Completing My FMP = 1 : Covid = 0

back to school sara delaney notes from a stylist

As if by magic, we seem to now be back in September with that back to school vibe kicking in, and as such it’s time for me to hibernate again with all my 17yr old college pals in our new class bubble system. I won’t be creating a trend report this season or next but will be back with you come summer 2021. If you’re looking for some new season shopping inspo and to find out what’s on my Autumn wish list take a peek at my New Season Now choices in the banner to the right of this blog post, or head to my New Finds page here.

So until then, thanks for bearing with – if you fancy stalking my progress my new photography insta is @surreysocialstock , or pop over to Pinterest where I’m still obsessively pinning come rain or shine – see you on the other side!



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